Closed User Group (CUG)

Communication is key and you will have to talk to people from work/communities/family/friends. If you have a larger circle of more than 10 people who has TashiCell SIM & are TashiCell subscribers with whom you frequently require to talk, you can form a group under our Closed User Group service and enjoy cheaper call rates compared to normal call rates round the clock. There is no subscription fee for the service.

If you are looking for creating a similar group with your friends & family members with less than 10 people you can check out our Friends and Family Service

How to Create a CUG?

  1. Make a list of all TashiCell numbers you frequently call
  2. Submit the list to the Regional Manager in your Dzongkhag or our nearest Customer Care Center
  3. Give a personal name for your CUG along with your list of numbers (optional)
  4. We shall create a CUG for you and your colleagues/clients/customers, activate it and inform you within two working days.

Call Charges when you’re subscribed to CUG Service:

Sl. No Subscriber Limit Charges Per Unit Monthly Subscription Fees
1 10 to 200 Nu 0.24/unit NIL
3 201 to 500 Nu 0.18/unit Nil
4 More than 500 Nu 0.10/unit NIL

1 Unit = 15 secs

below the table in our website: The above charges per unit is for peak hours (6PM to 12 Midnight) and Standard hours (6AM to 6PM). During economy hours (12 Midnight to 6 AM) shall be charge Nu.0.10/Unit

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